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We can supply you with Parts and Accessories, regardless of the brand of your garage door or opener

There are some parts of your garage door system that you can change yourself. But, to avoid any accidental injury, for several parts like springs, we strongly recommend it to be done by an experienced garage door technician.

Replacement parts are available for your garage door system, as are accessories to enhance it's look.

The services we offer:

Replace broken garage door springs

Broken garage door springs are very common. Extreme weather changes and usual wear and tear can damage garage door springs. Until it is repaired, a garage door should not be opened as it will be very heavy. Our team of experienced service technicians will replace your broken springs and will ensure that your garage door will be operational again correctly.

Replace broken cables

Garage door cable seems small but they’re an essential safety mechanism. If your garage door doesn’t work correctly, it might be because you have a broken cable. Be cautious, it could be dangerous to repair a broken cable yourself because the cables are under extreme tension. We recommend you call a local specialized repairman for your own safety.

Replace damaged panels

A garage door panel could be replaced anytime but it also can be a challenge. Are you better to replace the entire door or just a panel? Let a professional evaluate the panel damage and give you the best advice to meet your needs.

Replace rollers

A malfunctioning noisy garage door may be due to bent or broken rollers. To have a smooth, quiet garage door operation, we recommend to change worn rollers and hinges. Put this task into our technician hands and the problem will be quickly solved.

Weatherstripping Replacement

Having good weatherstripping can help you save on your energy bill and keep the cold outside your garage. It’s also used to prevent debris, animals and insects from getting inside your garage. If you’re looking to replace your weatherstripping, our specialists can help you.

Fix a garage door off its track

A garage door off its track is a common garage door issue. If this happens, stop operating it immediately. If you don’t, your door can be seriously damaged. The springs are under tension, so don’t take a risk. Let a professional take care of it.

Garage door parts

We have all that you need to fix your garage door: bearings, bearing plates, boards, bottom fixtures, bumpers, cables, couplings, drums, gears, hinges, keypads, locks, photo eyes, remotes, rollers, seals, sections, shafts, slats, springs, struts, tracks, trolleys, etc. Contact us.

Your safety has no price

Both your garage door and opener need to be checked regularly to ensure that they continue to operate safely and efficiently. A garage door has many dangerous parts. To avoid injury, we recommend you contact a company specializing in the repair of garage doors to regularly service your equipment. All of our technicians are well trained, insured and come to your home fully equipped to provide unparalleled service.

Read what other customers say about us


23 May 2019 , stephane D (St-Constant, QC)

bon service


22 May 2019 , François E (Chambly , QC)

Bon résultat


21 May 2019 , Josee C (St remi, QC)


Installation professionnel

19 May 2019 , jean b (Napierville, QC)

L’installateur qui a effectué les travaux a agit de façon très professionnel
Le seul hic fut le délai d’installation victime de leur popularité?

La madame est très contente !

19 May 2019 , Gisèle P (CANDIAC, QC)

Portes de Garage RSM Inc. est une compagnie fiable.
1 - Le vendeur (Guy Gilbert) a tenu toutes ses promesses.
2 - L'installateur (Paul Vaillancourt) est très compétent.Read more
Portes de Garage RSM Inc. est une compagnie fiable.
1 - Le vendeur (Guy Gilbert) a tenu toutes ses promesses.
2 - L'installateur (Paul Vaillancourt) est très compétent.
3 - Les délais ont été respectés.
4 - Le personnel de bureau est courtois et respectueux.
5 - Les prix reflètent les prix du marché.
6 - Service impeccable.
Je recommande cette compagnie sans hésitation.

Company response:

Wow Mme. Pépin! Merci énormément pour cet avis de consommateur détaillé. Nous sommes très fière de notre équipe et de nos fournisseurs partenaire! Toujours un plaisir de servir des gens courtois, on continue à travailler fort pour bien répondre à la demande de notre clientèle!

Couleur de la porte

19 May 2019 , Michel M (Longueuil , QC)

Je suis propriétaire d’un condo ( maison de ville) dans un groupe de 15 condos. Nous devons respecter une certaine uniformité. Lors de la première rencontre avec M Éric Bisaillon… Read more Je suis propriétaire d’un condo ( maison de ville) dans un groupe de 15 condos. Nous devons respecter une certaine uniformité. Lors de la première rencontre avec M Éric Bisaillon , nous avons comparé l’échantillon de couleur bleu wedge wood avec quelques portes. L’échantillon était plus foncé que les portes. Après l’installation de ma porte j’ ai été très déçu de voir que m’a porte était plus pâle que l’échantillon et des autres portes que nous avions comparé la teinte de couleur.

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